Monday, September 30, 2013

Spiced Peach Plum Compote

It all started with the idea to make homemade applesauce in the slow cooker. I woke up early, peeled and spiced the apples, and left them in the slow cooker with the plan to return in the afternoon to a fresh pot of applesauce. After returning home much too early, due to a canceled class, it pained me to watch the apples cook so slowly. They say patience is a virtue, but it’s not a virtue I hold in the kitchen. So, with the inspiration to make sauce and small piece of time on my hands, I set out to make some kind of fruity sauce with the fresh fruit I had on hand. I happened to have peaches and plums. 

These were two summer fruits I had never cooked with before. I chopped them up and starting simmering away. Soon I was throwing fall spices in the bubbling mixture of peaches and plums. Sneaking a few tastes as I went, I knew I was onto something good. With the helpful guidance of Laurel and her recipe-saving fresh ginger, we had delicious compote in less than a half hour. But don’t take my word for it.  Try out the recipe below and spread a little of this spiced peach plum compote on a pumpkin pancake and I bet you’ll be glad you did.


2 Peaches

3 Plums

½ C White Sugar

¼ C Water

2 Tbl Dark Brown Sugar

2 tsp Cinnamon

2 tsp Fresh Ground Ginger

1 tsp Allspice

Pinch of Salt

Splash of Vanilla

Peel and slice peaches and plums. Simmer peaches with white sugar and water on medium heat for 10 minutes. Stir in plum slices and brown sugar. Continue simmering over medium heat for 10 more minutes. Stir in cinnamon, ginger, allspice and salt. Cook until desired consistency; I prefer the compote with some chunks remaining. Stir in vanilla and take off heat. Allow to cool before refrigerating. Serve as a spread on toast or ice cream topping. Yield: 1 Quart (32 Ounces). 

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